

The word “chairo” is derived from the Greek root meaning “to rejoice”. Cherophobia is defined as, “A phobia where a person has an irrational aversion to being happy”. It has been classified as a form of anxiety disorder by a few medical professionals. Anxiety is an...
Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming

The desire to exert some degree of control over one’s surrounding environment is somewhat inherent in nature. We wish to design our present and future according to our choices and aspirations. This nature might also reflect in the dreams that one perceives while being...
The Hero Syndrome

The Hero Syndrome

Don’t we all want to be superheroes? Running into flaming buildings, helping someone cross a busy road or maybe shielding someone from a surprise attack. Several individuals have an inner urge to help or save others. They want to provide solutions for problems,...
Employee Counselling

Employee Counselling

We live in an era where each and every organization is fast-paced and has a stressful working environment with increased competition in the market area. The workforce of any industry or cooperation requires a healthy amount of motivation, concentration and capability...