Valid Even If Unapproved
This snippet of insight was one that a client of mine achieved, mid-session while deep in conversation about our needs and boundaries. This is one of those conversations that recurs, exposing some new learnings and understandings every time we discuss it.
Journeys within the Therapeutic Journey
You’re probably tired of reading that “therapy is a process”. It is indeed a journey one embarks upon often with a therapist/ psychologist, whether it is in person, online.
Living Away From Home
A few months ago, I had the opportunity to conduct a workshop with a group of young boys, who lived in a boarding set up away from home. These young boys surprised me with how they expressed their experiences while living away from their families for months
Consistency Is Key!
Consistency is harder when no one is clapping for you, you must clap for yourself during those times, you must always be your biggest fan
Are We Ready To Celebrate World Mental Health?
Unlike the other days like mother’s day, valentine’s day, or friendship day, the 10th of October has a long way to go before we can claim to be celebrating World Mental Health!
Stigma Or Acceptance? And How To Tip The Scale!
Children are most dear to me. Working with them on a daily basis keeps me active and alert. Dealing with their moods and tantrums, humor and mischief is a daily affair. My intention is to see all of them always happy and self-reliant
If You Can’t Find A Good Person, Be One!
I landed up at the coffee shop, ordered my cappuccino and tried to settle when my eyes met a sweet lady who signalled me to sit opposite her. Her eyes said a lot of things, they said, “Come here”
Kids Grieve Too
This article is an extension of the article titled ‘Dealing with Loss’. This one addresses grief and loss as experienced in the context of children. How children understand loss and death as well as ways that adults can assist in providing a smooth transition.
Dealing With Loss
We have all lost something or the other in our lives. Things, jobs, opportunities, people…Even as adults these losses impact us, in various ways.
I am a bad person. I am not normal. I am funny, I make people laugh. All make fun of me. My friends come to me when they want something. But, they never help me. I want to be a normal girl. Behave like a beautiful teenager, to be able to talk to all
The Mental Health vs. Physical Health Dilemma
If Mental Health is as Important as Physical Health, Why don’t we do a yearly mental health screening, along with our blood tests? Something to ponder on isn’t it?
Acceptance, Love and Care- Do we show it to ourselves?
As a follow up from the last post on increasing internet usage in children, this post speaks about the role of self- acceptance in determining the effect of social media.
The “High” of ‘likes’, ‘follows’, and ‘views’ – and how I decided to respond to them myself.
I remember as a teenager, the “high” that ebbed like a wave, every time I got a notification of a follow request, or a like and comment on a photograph or a post.
Why I left behind a career in dance, and went in search of meaning?
Meaning- which I found in the field of Mental Health.