Emotion Regulation

Emotion Regulation

Emotion Regulation refers to an individual’s internal and external processes that are used for monitoring, evaluating and modifying emotional reaction, especially the temporal features to accomplish one’s goal. Emotion regulation therefore attempts to influence emotions, defined as time-limited, situationally bound, and valenced states.

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Narcissism was initially recognised as a mental disorder by the British physician Havelock Ellis in 1989. It is characterized by an inflated self-image and a fixation to fantasy, by an atypical calmness, disrupted only when the narcissistic feels intimidated, and by the tendency to take others for granted or to exploit them.

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Psychological First-Aid

Psychological First-Aid

Most of us associate “first-aid” with physical injury or pain. However, psychological first aid (PFA) is an evidence-informed model utilized in disaster response to assist those impacted immediately after a traumatic event such as a terrorist attack, natural disaster or a public health-emergency.

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Self Validation

Self Validation

Validation is essential for everybody. It is to feel accepted and understood. It’s typical to wish to receive validation from others – caregivers, spouses, boss, friends but a few pursue external validation to a degree that becomes unhealthy.

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