Creating false urgency at workplace and how to overcome it.
An age old perception that surrounds corporate companies is that they create an unnecessary need for urgency. A need to work their employees to the point of burnout in the name of efficiency.
Toxic positivity
“It’s not a big deal” , “Others have it worse than me so I should be grateful” or “I should be happy” Do you find yourself saying these words often, be it to yourself or to others? Toxic positivity can be defined as,
Pioneers of Feminist Psychology
Psychology was a male dominated field in the 1900’s. While there was a dominance of one gender, it did not mean that there were not any female psychologists present.
Feminist Psychology
“Like all Sciences and all valuations, the psychology of women hitherto has been considered only from the point of view of men.”
– Karen Horney.
The process of diagnosing your illness, whether physical or mental, on the basis of past experiences or information available on popular media, such as the internet or books.
Why is it Important for Young Children to get over Stage Fright?
There is a first time for everything and as we write this article we are definitely thinking about the butterflies in our stomach and the lump in our throats as we stepped on a stage for the first time.
Are self-help books actually helpful?
Over the past few years, books on self-improvement or self-help have become increasingly popular. In the U.S. alone, the self-help industry was valued at 11 billion dollars in 2008.
Imposter Syndrome
Do you ever find yourself doubting your successes and accomplishments? Or feeling like you are a fraud? If yes, then you may have some experience with the imposter syndrome.
The Spotlight Effect
Are you convinced that everyone out there is noticing your every flaw and judging you?
Prosocial Behaviour
Human beings are socially interdependent on each other to survive and so an aspect like cooperation is an important element to face major challenges of a community.
Transference Focused Psychotherapy
Transference focused psychotherapy (TFP) is a modified psychodynamic treatment given by Otto F Kernberg which is specifically and majorly used on patients with borderline personality disorder.
Mental Health in Ukraine
In January 2020, as part of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) special initiative for mental health, Ukraine was selected as a priority country.
Gender Stereotypes
The phrase, “Men are from Mars and women are from Venus” implies that men and women are so significantly different they belong to two different planets. Biological differences aside, are differences between genders so pervasive? Or is it an indication of our stereotypical beliefs?
The Increasing Popularity of Psychology
We can trace the origins of Psychology back to the 17th century, when it was deemed to overlap with Philosophy. The French philosopher Rene Descartes introduced the idea of dualism, which asserted that the mind and body were two entities that interact to form the human experience.
Art Therapy
Art therapy, as the name suggests, involves both- Art and Psychology. The establishment of art therapy as an approach in mental health intervention took place in the mid-twentieth century.
As media representation of the LGBTQIA+ community increases, there is a rise in both positive and negative representation. The term “queerbaiting” has been an important aspect of discussion in recent years.
Stressors of Planning ahead After Graduation and Ways to Overcome them
Planning ahead, uncertainty and stress go hand in hand. Every student faces such circumstances at least once in their life.
Pathological Lying
Lying is an act of making false statements in order to protect oneself from the consequences of truth.
Survivor’s Guilt
An experience of a massive personal or environmental disaster will always have varied subjective reactions of the victims.
Coping Mechanisms
Coping mechanisms are techniques people frequently employ while facing stress and/or trauma to help manage distressing or difficult emotions.