Mindfulness is the awareness of one’s internal states and surroundings. Mindfulness can help
people avoid destructive behavior or automatic behavior and response by learning to observe their thoughts, emotions, and other present-moment experiences without judging or reacting to them. (American Psychological Association)
Impact of Recession of the Economy on Mental Health
During present times, we have seen that recession across the world have been affecting the society in many ways and not just economically.
Sleep Disorders
Sleep is considered an important basic need that humans should ensure they are adequately receiving just as food, water, shelter, and sex.
How to deal with Disrespect
The definition of disrespect can often be understood when one understands the meaning of respect correctly. According to the American Psychological Association, respect is defined as an attitude or behavior which demonstrates honor, regard, and concern towards an individual or entity.
Respectful Parenting
There are several occasions where we have come across children disrespecting friends, family members, strangers, etc. In most situations, one immediately thinks, why aren’t parents teaching the child to talk to people more respectfully?
Am I really anxious? – Answers from a Psychologist
There are many times when we wonder when we experience a specific set of emotions that brings our adrenaline up and makes our body sweat, whether this is what anxiety feels like. According to the American Psychological Association, anxiety is an emotion that can be distinguished by worried thoughts, tension, increased blood pressure, palpitation, sweating, etc.
Where is my anger coming from? What can I do about it?
Newborn babies usually respond with generalized distress to a range of unpleasant experiences which also include hunger, painful medical procedures, changes in body temperature, and too much or too little stimulation.
In the course of our day to day moments there are several incidents that individuals face which are considered as challenging. It is majorly about the perception of stressful situations that can alter the intensity of the unpleasantness experienced.
There are different well-known mechanisms individuals adopt to deal with stress. The coping mechanisms can be both adaptive as well as maladaptive.
In the recent decade altered states of consciousness has developed as an interesting area of research. Altered states of consciousness is change observed in an individual’s mental state that occurs due to head injury, accident, meditation, drugs and trauma.
It is well-known as well as an established phenomenon that every individual possesses a dark side rooted in their personality which has certain negative qualities.
Psychodrama therapy is a structured form of a creative psychotherapy developed by Jacob Levy Moreno which allows the clients to explore their conflicts through guided role playing and other self-presentation methods.
Cannabis and its Effect on Mental Health
Cannabis is an illegal drug in India and it comes from the cannabis plant. It is also known as marijuana and weed. It is a drug that can make you feel delighted, relaxed and/or anxious, paranoid. THC is the chief chemical which can have an impact on one’s mood and behavior.
Addiction is a complex neuropsychological condition which affects an individual’s physical, emotional and social health where there is an uncontrollable urge to engage in certain behaviours.
The aim of all psychotherapies is to improve the symptoms of individuals which hinder their personal, social and occupational life.
This activity involves a vast number of viewers watching the host eat a large portion of food while interacting with them through live stream.
Mass hysteria represents a collective, spontaneous, obsessive and abnormal behaviour which has no direct physiological cause. Researchers categorise this phenomenon as a type of psychogenic illness which is a condition where psychological distress manifests itself in physical symptoms.
Toxic Friendships
Does your friend often make fun of you? Belittle your achievements? Do you feel unhappy in the company? True friendships are based on mutual love and support.
A functioning society requires several combined efforts of all members within a group which can ensure the attainment of various goals. However, this effort to move into the correct direction requires some set of management.
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal affective disorder “is a type of depression that lasts for a season, typically the winter months, and goes away during the rest of the year.”