How accurately do we understand Feminism?
Given how divisive the subject is, it’s critical to know the difference between a feminist and a pseudo feminist. There have been numerous instances where people have taken unfair advantage of the term ‘feminist’ in order to avoid being held accountable for their actions.
Stress and Anxiety faced by Students during the Pandemic
The educational and career paths of all students since 2020 have been burdened with the unpredictability of the pandemic. Before the pandemic anxiety and stress were an unfortunate part and parcel of a students’ life.
Understanding Suicide and What Kind of Therapies might Help
Suicide is a consequence of mental or physical illness. According to the World Health Organisation, one out of every hundred deaths occurs by suicide. Suicidal ideation includes an array of thoughts, behaviours and emotions all related to wanting to take one’s own life.
Client Strength
The hardest part about writing this article was coming up with a title that really captures the depth of the subject. I wouldn’t say that I was successful in doing so, but let me tell you what I meant.
Stigmatisation against the Lower Class during the Pandemic
Trigger warnings – Violence, Physical Abuse, Death. Undoubtedly, the hierarchical aspect of our society has a huge impact on our lives. Based on
wealth, educational attainment, occupation, income, sociologists generally posit three classes:
working (or lower), middle, and upper class.
Stigmatisation against the Healthcare Workers during the Pandemic
Trigger Warnings – Violence, Assault. Our Healthcare Workers have established a system of protection and support for us, by risking their lives every single day, during this pandemic.
Stigmatisation against the Asian community during the Pandemic
Trigger Warnings – Violence, Assault, Racism and Racial Slurs. The virus does not discriminate, but we humans clearly do. Discrimination is an illness we have been suffering from for years to come.
Issues faced by the LGBTQIA+ community
A community is a group of people who share certain characteristics, share similar ideologies and mindsets, and/or live in the same area. But what about those who strongly believe they do not belong in the community, or who are forced to feel like outcasts and are bullied as a result of their differences?
Social Media Influence on the children during the pandemic
Zoom classes, online exams, video calls for field trips, doing assignments on word instead of pen and paper, and 6-year-olds with gadgets have become the new normal since the pandemic began in 2019. With schools closed and lockdowns in place, many children and young people are spending a lot of time in front of their screens.
Not so Typical Reasons to Consult a Psychologist
“Look at the word responsibility – ‘response-ability’ – the ability to choose your response. Highly proactive people recognize that responsibility.” – Stephen Covey
Strategies to reduce anxiety: Explained
Family issues, work stress, exam anxiety, the pressure of being accepted in society, the responsibility of being accepted by your friends, the anticipation of getting that job you wanted These are just a few of the reasons why people experience anxiety in their daily lives.
Reasons why lying or hiding about your symptoms of depression will make it worse for you
Depression is a mood disorder characterised by extreme sadness and despair. The symptoms of depression can differ from person to person. Fatigue, lethargy, difficulty concentrating, and loss of interest in one’s hobbies are just a few of the symptoms of depression.
Typical Signs You May Need to Consult a Psychologist
The term ‘Need to Consult a Psychologist’ is one that is not often used. There is a hesitation associated with saying these words out loud. The stigma around the concept of mental health in our culture, along with the taboo of going to therapy, has gravely affected the way we cope with our problems.
Importance Of Sleep For Mental Well-Being And Physiological Functions
We have all experienced sleep deprivation, where our minds pound as we struggle to think, our eyes cannot keep themselves open and our limbs feel too heavy to lift. Majority of the time, during this state, we instantly wish we were infants.
Reasons why visiting the best psychologist near me is more effective than talking to a friend
A psychologist and a friend lay on the two ends of a spectrum. On one end, we have friends or peers who we surround ourselves with. They make up our support system, a shoulder to cry on.
Treatment for Depression – Possible Intervention Options – Treatment for Depressive Symptoms
Whether you are experiencing the emotion of depression, or a few sustaining symptoms, or whether you may have a diagnosable condition, you can benefit from mental health support form a professional.
Depression: Symptoms and Effective Treatment
Depression and Anxiety are the most commonly presented problems in my private practice since statistically they most commonly occur in the population.
Why Self-esteem is a trap, and what will help you instead
I bet you’ve read a lot of articles on how to increase self-esteem. Some give you quick tips, some make you reflect, but all of them will probably land you in a trap.
My Rational Self Knows I Deserve Respect
Today’s snippet of insight is on an analogy that a client shared in a session. This is a client with whom I’ve been working with for a while. Along with a number of techniques integrated from different approaches, we eventually began to focus our work on RBT- Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy.
Planet of Perfection
Inspired by some of the very experienced Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapists and trainers- I often ask my clients, “What planet do you live on?” You most definitely guessed their response to this one – “Earth” all respond!