Teachers in the Pandemic
Worldwide, millions have witnessed the unpredictable, challenging and harsh consequences that were invited by the covid-19 pandemic. It took the shape of an unfortunate circumstance that unexpectedly escalated to a level where authorities were forced to shut down all...
Anxiety and Mental Health of Elderly in Pandemic
The world faced the global outbreak of the coronavirus, in early 2020, which was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Holiday Depression
Let’s talk about the month of December. A paradoxical state is created every year, while the streets are lined with bright lights and families reunite, others feel isolated and anxious in the darkness.
Language and Mental Health
“She must be psychotic if she left this submission for the last moment!” Have you ever heard someone say this, maybe in a similar but not same context? Different phrases and words are unique to a certain group of people and generation.
Stigma about Therapy
‘It’s too expensive,’ ‘I don’t have the time,’ ‘why should I share my personal problems with a stranger,’ ‘they simply take your money and want you to keep seeking treatment from them’, ‘I already went to a counsellor, but he wouldn’t listen to me.
Group Therapy – Benefits and Considerations
Aristotle, the Greek philosopher centuries ago said, “Man is by nature a social animal.” This still stands true. Humans are constantly seeking out for connections and companionship with other beings.
The Contrasting Styles of Indian & Western Parenting
Parenting entails taking on responsibilities. The reality is that every parent wants the best for their child. It is no less than feeding a sapling to help it develop into a large tree. Good parenting skills, patience, and responsibility are essential throughout the process.
Group Therapy
As the name suggests, Group Therapy is a therapeutic process involving 5 – 15 people who share similar mental health conditions. The American Psychological Association reports that group therapy works well in treating Panic or Bipolar Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Social Phobias and Substance Abuse Disorders.
Does the presence of both parents really matter?
Parenting is a difficult task. Both single and dual parents have unique challenges and obligations. While the purpose of this article is not to compare the two or to conclude which is superior, it is to understand the benefits and drawbacks of both types of parenting.
Each disorder is like a puzzle. The pieces that make up each puzzle varies from person to person. But, more often than not, one piece does not fit correctly, leaving the puzzle incomplete, a misdiagnosis.
Group belongingness or just FOMO?
A human emotional need to identify with and be accepted by members of a group is known as group belongingness. It focuses on getting acceptance, attention, and support from group members while also delivering the same attention to other members.
Inequalities in the Mental Health System
WHO estimates that about 7.5 percent of Indians suffer from some mental disorder and predicts that by the end of this year roughly 20 percent of India will suffer from mental illnesses. India also accounts for 36.6 percent of suicides globally.
Salient Features of Indian Parenting
Not everyone follows the same parenting method. Not only do they vary from culture to culture, but they also vary depending upon the socioeconomic status. The standard of living too plays a role.
Parenting Styles and Their Impact on Children
Psychologists have been intrigued by how parents impact child development, however, it is difficult to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between their actions and their children’s development.
Psychology of Giving Up
When faced with a difficult circumstance, we all want to throw in the towel. In a tricky situation, it is simple to give up. Even if it appears to be a shortcut, it may not be the greatest option for us.
Mental Health at Home
The pandemic has compelled us to stay at home. For humans, as social creatures, this has been extremely challenging. While it is simply one of many problems posed by the pandemic, the impact on our emotional and mental well-being is significant.
Causes of bullying behavior in Children
Bullying is something that many children, whether they are youngsters, teenagers, or even young adults, experience. We frequently try to understand and sympathize with the bullied youngster while ignoring the bully child.
Mental Health in an Unequal World.
What is unequal? How do I define or explain unequal? Unequal system or an unfair situation or unfair society? Unequal treatment or unequal access?? Zorah, was worried, she was concerned her parents will not believe she is gay.
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy
A vaccine is only effective if people are willing to receive it. It will help with prevention and immunization, but the biggest hurdle is the hesitancy surrounding it. Vaccine hesitancy is as old as the hills.
Effect of Divorce on Children
Divorce is the dissolution of a marriage in simple terms. When one spouse files for divorce, they are stating that they no longer wish to be legally bound to their spouse in any form. Many times, even though they are suffering through mental and/or physical traumas, people opt to stay in bad relationships for the sake of their children.