Codependency refers to a mental, emotional, physical, and/or spiritual reliance on a partner, friend, or family member. It influences one’s capability to attain a healthy, fulfilling relationship.
Parents and their LGBTQIA+ children
This would be the most suitable quote for our article today. Maya Angelou, a renowned American poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist believed that children should learn to celebrate their own differences and those of people around them.
Color Therapy
Color therapy and healing is an alternate therapy that makes use of the visible spectrum of light and color to modify a person’s mood and physical or mental health.
Impact of Social Media on Human Behaviour
Our society has achieved major progress in the field of technology that has made education, employment, physical exercise, shopping, traveling and execution of daily activities easier for the entire population.
Logotherapy is a form of psychotherapy developed by psychiatrist and neurologist Viktor Frankl. In the 1940s, Frankl survived in Nazi concentration camps.
Stockholm Syndrome
Stockholm Syndrome isn’t a psychological diagnosis. It is a coping strategy whereby captives form a psychological bond with their captors during confinement.
Parenting of Children With Special Needs
The group known as the children with special needs is already highlighted in our previous article on Education and Counselling of Children with special needs.
LGBTQIA+ and Counselling
“From the minute they come in, let them know that they are accepted, that they are welcomed.”
– Megan Mahon (Assistant Professor of Counselling at Heidelberg University)
The term “ resilience” is derived from the Latin word “resilire” which means “springing back”, or “jumping back up.”
Role of Religious Belief in Mental Health
Religion typically refers to socially based beliefs and traditions, often associated with customs and practices intended to enable connection to the sacred or transcendent
The Effects of being Closeted
Imagine yourself, physically trapped in an elevator or closet. Four walls surrounding your sweaty body, you are gasping for air from any angle possible and your arms lay weak besides you from banging against the walls.
Spirituality and Mental Health
Spirituality is a wide notion with space for several perspectives. It presents a worldview that implies there is more to life than what humans experience on a sensory and physical level.
Returning To Work Post Maternity Leave
For years, women were endowed with responsibilities that were limited to household work and nurturing children. They were confined to domestic areas irrespective of their capabilities to handle all spheres of work.
Anger Management in Adults
It is very evident from our previous articles, where we discussed the various anger management techniques in children as well as adolescents, that the expression for the same varies among age groups, it is more active in nature.
What is Love?
Love is an emotion, so strong and complex that even science has a hard time understanding it. Love is easier to understand when Shakespeare is describing it through his characters or when Whitney Houston is serenading us with her voice.
The Lady Macbeth Effect
Lady Macbeth, a character from Shakespear’s play `Macbeth”, after conspiring to assassinate King Duncan, would repetitively wash her hallucinatory blood-stained hands in order to atone for her sins.
Postpartum Depression in Mothers During Pandemic
The psychological journey of being a mother for some women is considered as a beautiful experience where they grow emotionally and encounter the purest form of joy.
Factors Leading To Eating Disorder in Youth
The youth in the present time faces serious conditions related to persistent eating behaviours seriously impacting their physical health and mental health along with their emotion and ability to function, known as eating disorders.
Anger Management in Adolescents
Anger is a human emotion that frequently results in aggression and violence (Burney, 2001). The expression for the same differs across the various age groups, among men and women and also in different cultures across the world.
Body Focused Repetitive Behaviours
As the name suggests, Body Focused Repetitive Behaviours (BFRB’s) are problematic, non-functional and damaging self grooming behaviours.