A couple of weeks ago I posted this on my Instagram story and took a poll-
“Consistency is harder when no one is clapping for you, you must clap for yourself during those times, you must always be your biggest fan.”
82% said : “Yes, But it’s hard!”
18% also said: “HOW???”
I completely agree that it is one of the biggest challenges we face. I myself struggle with consistency, but knowing how beneficial it can be, makes it a little better! So read on…
Being consistent requires motivation. When we do have people around who motivate us, encourage and applaud, keeping motivated is not the biggest challenge. But when the external motivation from people or goals isn’t present, that’s when consistency takes a hit. What many of us don’t realise is that motivation does not necessarily need to come from external factors like people or rewards. It can take us a long way to think of the activity or task being fulfilling in itself, or necessary for a long term gain.
Especially with things where the results are so far off, that they do not motivate us,it is essential to understand that the long term benefits outweigh the short term costs.
I see consistency having wonderful effects with my clients. They learn to motivate themselves to continue engaging is small, simple tasks which may seem negligent to their long term goals, but slowly and surely learn how much they contribute to getting there!
Here is a list of daily things you can do, find out and let me know how they impact your lives-
- Wake up and think of/ note down 3 things/ people/ places etc. you feel thankful for.
- List down 3 things you have achieved/ accomplished each day (They don’t have to be big accomplishments, anything you feel was an accomplishment on that day, counts! Sometimes, getting out of bed can also feel like it!)

Say one nice thing about yourself to yourself each morning. Spend the rest of the day noticing things that count as evidence to that statement. (This one is really fun, but I tend to forget the statement through the day, so i note it down in my phone!)
Remember to spend some time doing things you like to do. A Lot of clients have expressed that they aren’t sure what they enjoy. To help, make a list of 30 things that make you smile/ make you happy. You can do as many as you like each day, but at least one! (To increase the fun quotient, you can make a Bingo game with these activities and strike them off as you go. Alternatively you can start with an ‘X & 0’ grid.
The important thing to remember here is, these tasks aren’t to be done simply when you are feeling down, or low or in times of struggle. They must be done everyday and often, that’s when you will see their long term benefits.
Remember that consistency makes you feel better because it shows how important you are for yourself and how much you value yourself.
I do understand that it is hard to keep motivated at times, in these times remind yourself that you are doing it for you!.
Also Read Our Blog On Acceptance, Love & Care
Thank you for the wonderful tips.
It is certainly difficult to be consistent but with these tips it may be possible.