I could begin by quoting what a lot of parents have told me, whether in or outside my practice about their children’s incessant internet and device usage. But I’m sure you’ve either said them or heard them in surplus. (I would still like to believe that I can say: not long ago), I remember as a teenager, the “high” that ebbed like a wave, every time I got a notification of a follow request, or a like and comment on a photograph or a post. Now that I understand this phenomenon better, each notification served as a reward and lit up that part of the brain which led to pleasure and made me happy.

A one and a half year break from most of these social media sites put things into perspective for me. During this part ‘Digital Detox’ I was involved with my Master’s dissertation which focused on Gratitude. I am extremely grateful to my elderly participant who showed me the beneficial impact it had on their lives and truly motivated me to employ it every where. Recently, I joined most of the popular social networks recently as a platform to inform people about ‘ImPerfect’ and spread awareness. I now respond to each notification with gratitude. I am so thankful that each new person on any of the platforms will gain some new awareness and perspective on Mental Health. Each like or comment is a feedback that points me to the required direction of improvement. These ways of thinking or responding are conscious decisions made by me, every time the device beeps. It is difficult. I have only been able to alter my response as a result of accepting myself, and understanding the importance of how I think about myself.

More on the importance of self-acceptance, how to enhance it in yourself and children, in the next post – Acceptance, Love & Care – Do We Show It To Ourselves?